Monday 21 May 2012

Quiet News weeks

Approaching now 3 weeks since my last confession blog post, I was confident that there would be plenty to write about.
Oh - I suppose I've given away the purpose of it after all, in that there isn't a lot to write about that's changed since the end of April.

My wife is happy about this. Not because she was concerned I was taking too much time with the blog, but rather that the "no news is good news" means that nothing sinister has happened (crosses fingers, touches wood, dodges black cats and inclined ladders).

All previous symptoms have gone completely (ok, the numbness...) and I continue to lose weight. I've now lost around 6kg (actually, about 6.5kg but I seem to maintain a 'floating variance' of about .5 kg) and have started using some weird vibrating dumb-bell style weight gadget. It says only 6 minutes a day are needed to achieve the same results as lifting a bison several times a minute.